Kids Unlimited pushes back start time to increase morning enrichment

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Kids Unlimited Academy is pushing start times back by 30 minutes to 9 a.m.

The public charter school, which operates on a year-round academic calendar, says the shift is to decrease tardiness, ease families’ transportation to school, and allow more time for classroom preparedness.

Although school start times have been adjusted, Kids Unlimited Academy’s Director of Educational Services, Lupita Vargas said, “our doors are still open at 7:30, we’re just offering activities that kids can plug into.”

Vargas also says students in third, fourth, and fifth grades can sign up for specific clubs including robotics, print shop, and KUA-TV. Younger kids will be able to participate in movement exercises, as well as arts and crafts.

The academy’s goal is to provide a morning enrichment period from 7:30 to 9 a.m. which gives kids who come to campus early the opportunity to have a smooth transition before starting the school day. It is also designed for working families as an alternative to childcare.



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