Success Stories

Since 2002, Energy Trust has been dedicated to helping 2.4 million customers transform their homes and buildings with energy-efficient upgrades. These stories represent some of the many ways families and businesses have benefited from energy savings and renewable power. Learn more about energy-saving opportunities for your home and business by visiting

Weatherizing your home can save you up to $800 a year.

Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, there are many ways to improve energy efficiency. Energy Trust of Oregon can help you save money when you weatherize your home. Action steps including sealing air leaks around windows and doors can help keep cool air inside. This can also keep wildfire smoke from entering your home. For more information visit


Irrigation incentives help Oregon farmers save water and lower costs.

For farmers all over Oregon, water is essential to their business. Using it efficiently is a priority to help control costs.
Energy Trust of Oregon is helping farmers invest in new irrigation equipment and processes that allow them to save both water and energy. Irrigation upgrades are one of the first, and best, options for an agricultural business looking to save water and money. Energy Trust offers a range of irrigation incentives, for more information visit


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