Medford, Ore. — Lead levels in a Medford home were nearly 30 times the EPA standard, and some affected residents say the results are disappointing and they wish they had known sooner. NBC5 broke the story about the knowledge of lead ...

Medford, Ore. — The Medford Water Commission has compiled a map indicating city water mains that pre-date 1946. This comes as the Water Commission Board directs staff to take immediate action on investigating areas where short lead pigtail pipes may ...

Medford, Ore. —  We’re learning new information tonight about the discovery of lead pipes within Medford’s water system. According to the Medford Water Commission the most recent lead pigtail was found last month. Since then, they’ve gone back and looked ...

Medford, Ore. — Only on NBC5 News, a comprehensive study will soon be taking place on water in the Rogue Valley, and tonight NBC5 News has learned that lead was recently found in old connection pipes, or pigtails. Medford Water Commission ...

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