President Obama is headed home from Paris tonight, leaving negotiators to work out an historic worldwide deal on climate change. Behind the scenes, he’s also trying to get more backing for the fight against ISIS in Syria. This morning, there ...

President Obama is in Paris this morning hoping to convince the world to take a stand on climate change. There are strong emotions for and against climate change, and some of that spilled over into the streets of Paris – ...

Trump backtracked on his idea to register Muslims saying it really just applies to Syrian refugees. All this is coming up because Republicans – and some Democrats – are dissatisfied with how President Obama is handling the fight against ISIS. ...

The Republican Candidates debate again tonight – this time in Milwaukee. The focus of this debate is the economy. Ben Carson could face some tough questions tonight about his past, and two candidates are vying for a key endorsement. The ...

Washington, D.C.– Republican Presidential Candidates are criss-crossing the country campaigning before Tuesday night’s debate. Expect lots of questions for Ben Carson. He says it’s all about the numbers. Ben Carson is on the defensive ahead of tomorrow’s debate in Milwaukee. His ...

Washington, D.C. – Republican House Speaker John Boehner will resign as Speaker and leave his seat at the end of October, NBC News has confirmed. The news comes as a shock to U.S. Representative Greg Walden, who told NBC5 News ...

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