Family of young girl with cancer raising money to take her to Disney World

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – The family of a young girl in Klamath Falls who is battling leukemia is raising money to take her to the happiest place on earth, Disney World!

Nine year old Azella Lopez was diagnosed with leukemia in June of 2020, and after years of undergoing treatments, she went into remission in August of 2022. But unfortunately, she relapsed and the cancer returned a few months later. She did have a bone marrow transplant in March, which was successful, but the family said that things can change at any moment.

“She has points where she will get very upset, very depressed, just not wanting to do anything because things will come back or she’ll have to get blood drawn and stuff like that,” said Emily Wegat, Azella’s aunt. “And it’s hard to watch her be so upset about things sometimes.”

After having to be extra careful to avoid getting sick, she is finally healthy enough to travel and be a regular kid.

This  year will be the first time since her diagnosis that she will get to go to school full time, only having to miss one day a month to go to doctors appointments.

She also got her pick PICC line out four weeks ago, a catheter in your arm that connects to your chest, after having it in for several months. So she finally can do recreational things, like swim!

“Outside of school, I like coming here and going swimming with Emily,” Azella said. “And I like doing arts and crafts in the winter, like painting inside or something.”

Her mom told her stories about the times she went to Disney World when she was young, which sparked Azella’s interest in going.

If you want to help Azella get to Disney World, you can donate by clicking on the link:

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Mollie Smith was our NBC5 News at Sunrise con-anchor through February 2024. Mollie is a Southern California native and graduated from California State University, San Marcos with a degree in Communication. Her passion for broadcasting started in high school as an anchor for her school newscast. While in college, she was a Broadcast Intern for the Athletics Department and a Sports Announcer. Her first job after graduation was announcing for the University of Washington and Seattle University. In 2021, Mollie moved to Southern Oregon to anchor and reporter for KTVL News10 until the news department was eliminated. In her free time, Mollie loves hiking and camping with her fiancé, Sean and her dog, Kysa. She’s a big sports fan and passionate supporter of the Los Angeles Angels. (Boo, Dodgers!)
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