Next COVID relief bill in sight

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – There is encouraging news for families hit by the economic impact of the pandemic. After months of stalemate, Congress appears closer to a new economic relief deal that could put more money in your pocket.

Lawmakers overnight raced to cut a deal to send coronavirus relief to struggling Americans, many set to lose their unemployment benefits the day after Christmas.

Out-of-work Americans and struggling small businesses have been waiting for help for months while Congress fought and the virus raged.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) said, “We’re running out of time. You can’t go home. Who would ever go home when some people don’t have a home to go to?”

Manchin worked with Republican Mitt Romney to try and find some common ground, but a final agreement is up to Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi

McConnell said on the floor, “Congressional leaders on both sides are going to keep working until we get this done.”

The details were being hammered out overnight, but the $900 billion package will likely include a new round of stimulus checks, likely about $600 for every adult who qualifies based on income extended federal unemployment insurance benefits of about $300 per week and more money for businesses struggling to pay their workers.

Apparently left out is: money for state and local governments, liability protections for businesses, and significant support for restaurants who say they need more help
Senate Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, “The finish line is in sight. Everyone wants to get this done.”

Democrats are willing to compromise because they’re banking on more relief next year after President-elect Joe Biden takes office. But some progressive Democrats are restless.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) told The Intercept it’s time for fresh faces. “I do think that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party,” she stated.

Asked about her comments, progressive Senator Bernie Sanders, who ran against Biden in the primary, said Democratic leaders gave up too much to cut the relief deal. “So if you’re asking me, ‘Do I think that this bill was well-negotiated?’ I don’t. there should have been a lot more money in it than there currently is.”

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