Rogue Community Health opens new Eagle Point health center

EAGLE POINT, Ore. – Rogue Community Health celebrated it’s new Eagle Point health center with a grand opening Thursday.

Rogue Community Health operates across the Rogue Valley with health centers in Ashland, Butte Falls, Medford, and White City.

Now, it’s opened up its newest location in Eagle Point, offering medical, dental, and behavioral health services.

According to Calisa Warnke, Administrative Officer for RCH, the location isn’t the only new thing about this clinic.

“This is kind of a pilot clinic for us,” Warnke said. “All of the colors and the design and the way that we laid it out as well as, kind of, having a co-located site where we’ve got multiple services within one building is really part of that too.”

Warnke says they wanted to emphasize a welcoming and inclusive environment because seeing a doctor can be anxiety inducing.

RCH’s Medical Officer, Dr. Daniel Weiner says Eagle Point deserves access to diverse, integrated care.

He believes they can accomplish that through a care delivery team.

“We’re looking at a broader, team-based approach to care that really figures out what the needs are and puts people in place to deliver that need when it’s needed and where it’s needed,” Weiner said.

He also says healthcare everywhere is facing different challenges, especially when it comes to accessibility.

Eagle Point’s Mayor, Kathy Sell agrees with Weiner saying she’s thankful Rogue Community Health stepped in when they did.

“It’s so important because we are seeing a lot of doctors and dentists moving out of our area and finding a primary care physician is really hard,” Sell said.

Dr. Weiner says it only makes sense for them to be in Eagle Point. “This community, nestled sort of between our clinics in White City and Butte Falls, it was pretty clear that there was a gap and this is a growing community with an increased population and an absolute need.”

Rogue Community Health’s CEO, William North says with this new clinic, transportation won’t be as much of a barrier as it has been in the past.

He says now they will be able to better promote health and wellness throughout the region.

“I often say our middle name is ‘community’ and we really do believe that,” North said. “We would like to belong to Eagle Point as well. We would like you to adopt us. We want you to be a part of what we do so that we can be a part of what you do.”

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NBC5 News Reporter Lauren Pretto grew up in Livermore, California and attended University of California, Santa Cruz, graduating with a double major in Film/Digital Media and Literature with a concentration in Creative Writing. Lauren is a lover of books, especially Agatha Christie and Gothic novels. When her nose isn't buried in a book, she knits, bakes, and writes.
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