WASHINGTON, D.C. –  The Supreme Court on Monday is weighing the constitutionality of whether cities, specifically in the western United States can criminalize sleeping or camping in public places when a person has nowhere else to go. According to an ...

ASHLAND, Ore. – A new camping ordinance went into effect in Ashland on January 17th. The law bans camping near schools and playgrounds, on walkways or near any fence, trees, buildings or vehicles. It includes exceptions for camping when there ...

ASHLAND, Ore.- Ashland approved the new camping ordinance during their December 19th meeting. According to Ashland Mayor Tonya Graham, the ordinance passed four to two again, meaning the ordinance will take effect thirty days after the vote. While the law will ...

ASHLAND, Ore.– The City of Ashland is working to pass a new camping ordinance that could go into effect as soon as next month. The new law provides clarity on where, when and how people can camp in public spaces. ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – Months after the City of Medford passed a camping ordinance, police are continuing to sweep the Bear Creek Greenway collecting trash. At about 5:30a.m. Tuesday morning they swept another camp, but this time they met resistance. TBone, ...

MEDFORD, Ore. —One of the Rogue Valley’s most fire-prone areas is the Bear Creek Greenway. Medford Police have removed 9 campsites since it began enforcing the city’s Prohibited Camping Ordinance last Thursday. Fire season has officially begun in Jackson and ...

MEDFORD, Ore. —Medford Police beginning to enforce the city’s Prohibited Camping Ordinance. The city passed out 72-hour notices, asking people to pack up their campsites on the Greenway Monday. Thursday morning, officers and other crews, began to remove what’s left ...

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