Medford, Ore.- A tragic accident at the Rogue Valley Manor. “A very sad incident on the 25th of April, we responded to a vehicle versus pedestrian accident,” Medford police Lt. Kerry Curtis said. According to Medford police, an employee with ...

Medford, Ore. — A resident of a Rogue Valley retirement community was hit and killed by a company vehicle. The incident happened last Wednesday evening at the Rogue Valley Manor in Medford. There are limited details being shared, but police are ...

Many who witnessed the attack on Pearl Harbor are now spread across the nation. Salome Sato, a woman living at the Rogue Valley Manor, saw the entire attack. She was born and raised in Honolulu and says she will never forget Pearl Harbor. 75 years ...

Medford, Ore. — A number of 9/11 ceremonies were held across the Rogue Valley on Sunday. One of which, was a unique ceremony in the morning at one of the highest points in Medford. Fire fighters from several districts across ...

White City, Ore. —  The Rogue Valley Manor’s goal is to enrich the lives of seniors, and today was a perfect example of fulfilling that mission. A few years ago the Rogue Valley Manor launched the Dreamcatcher program, where they would ...

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