“Boaty McBoatface” tops U.K. ship-naming contest

Update (04/18 1:20 p.m.) — The internet has spoken. “Boaty McBoatface” is the winning name for the United Kingdom’s new $300 million state-of-the-art research vessel.

The online poll ended Saturday, and the results weren’t even close. “Boaty McBoatface” won easily with 124,109 votes. The second most popular choice only had more than 34,000 votes. More than seven thousand entries were submitted.


Swindon, U.K. — The United Kingdom’s National Environment Research Council, or NERC, is asking the public for name suggestions for their newest research vessel, a $288 million ship, years in the making.

If the internet gets its way, it will be called “Boaty McBoatface”.

The council is learning the hard way that when you ask the internet for something serious, most likely you will get something snarky in return.

“McBoatface” is the current frontrunner among suggestions that include “The RRS It’s Bloody Cold Here” and “Usain Boat”.

NERC has smartly specified the names are suggestions only, so there’s still a chance it will be named something boring, which will undoubtedly earn a collective sigh from the internet.

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