Controlled burns continue in Ashland with wet conditions

ASHLAND, Ore.– Controlled burns are continuing around Ashland this week as wet weather conditions return.

This comes after a burn pile in the Applegate Valley lost control and burned 12 acres on Monday.

Ashland Fire and Rescue says drier conditions over the weekend likely helped it spread. With the help of the sun, high winds and low humidity, burn piles can dry out quickly.

“All of that dries out in one hour or sometimes less if it’s really warm so even if you start your burn pile and an hour later the conditions could have changed such that it’s going to spread,” said Chris Chambers, division chief.

The controlled burns through the Ashland Forest Resiliency Project are constantly monitored so there’s minimal concern about losing control.

Controlled burns may end as soon as April or as late as June said Chambers. That’s all dependent on weather condition and as temperatures begin to rise.

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