Governor Brown unveils plan to reduce violence in Portland

PORTLAND, Ore. – A new plan to defuse and prevent violence during Portland protests has been revealed by Oregon Governor Kate Brown.

In an announcement following the shooting death of a person linked to the far-right group “Patriot Prayer,” Governor Brown stated Portland police will now be aided by state and federal resources to put an end to violent and destructive acts that endanger public safety.

Governor Brown released the following statement about the plan:

“We all must come together—elected officials, community leaders, all of us—to stop the cycle of violence,” said Governor Kate Brown. “But this is only the first step. Real change will come from the hard work to achieve racial justice. And it starts with all of us listening to each other, and working together.

“The right-wing group Patriot Prayer and self-proclaimed militia members drove into downtown Portland last night, armed and looking for a fight. Every Oregonian has the right to freely express their views without fear of deadly violence. I will not allow Patriot Prayer and armed white supremacists to bring more bloodshed to our streets.

“Time and again, from Charlottesville to Kenosha to Portland, we have seen the tragic outcome when armed right-wing vigilantes take matters into their own hands. Gun violence is never, ever the answer.

“Change will not come overnight, and, as we have seen in these last months, it does not come easily either. But we are building a more just future. I will continue to work with local leaders, law enforcement, and community leaders to bring all voices to the table to help end the nightly confrontations—but that will only come if we commit ourselves to do the hard work to bring about real change and racial justice.”

The plan aims to coordinate efforts between local prosecutors, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Police, Portland Police, and officers in neighboring counties to address the spread of violence. The U.S. District Attorney’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigations will also commit more resources to Portland.

In addition, a community forum will be held with local leaders and protest organizers in order to create a designated venue for “all community voices to come together, listen to each other, and co-create a just and peaceful future.”

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