911 calls reveal theater panic

Tenn. –(NBC News) Nashville Metro police have identified the attacker killed in Wednesday’s Antioch movie theater attack as 29-year-old Vincente David Montano.

Investigators say Montano used pepper spray on at least three people in the theater, then attacked one with a hatchet.

“This shady looking guy stood up, looked like two bags, and he walked to the back of the theater and he pulled out a like like a hatchet and started attacking this family, and then he pulled out a gun and we all ran out of the theater…” a 911 caller said.

Montano apparently tried to escape through a back door, where he was shot and killed by members of the Nashville Police SWAT team.

The gun he was apparently wielding at the time was an “air soft” toy pistol.

Montano had a criminal history that included assault and resisting arrest. Police say he also had a history of mental problems.

“They are reporting he had been committed four times twice in 2004 twice in 2007,” said Nashville Metro Police spokesman Don Aaron.

Read more: http://nbcnews.to/1W3ysa4

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