A Jackson County Circuit Court Judge is retiring

MEDFORD, Ore. – A Jackson County Circuit Court Judge has announced his retirement.

After serving on the Justice Court for 16 years and the Circuit Court for the past two years, Judge Joseph Charter will be stepping down from his position in May.

Judge Charter said his biggest accomplishment over his two years was overseeing the Recovery Opportunity Court, getting people into rehab, instead of incarceration.

Judge Charter hopes after he steps down, the bench will become more diverse, and more representative of the general population.

“I’ve been working a long time and though I enjoy the work, when you say I’ve done it all, I’ve been the most that I can be in this profession, it’s time for me to step aside and let some younger people step up,” said Judge Joseph Charter. 

He said he plans to spend more time with family and become a mentor at the Recovery Cafe, to continue his work fighting addiction in the county.

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