Community Helps Foster Family Displaced By Fire

A family of eight that lost their house in an early morning fire just two weeks before Christmas are getting settled in their new home tonight.

Becky Fuller says the fire began when a wall behind a chimney began to smoke…

“So we got everybody out, and went to the end of the driveway and called 911. And about ten minutes later, we started seeing flames coming out of the upstairs.”

The fire destroyed the house, and most everything inside.

Fuller is a foster mom to three male toddlers, and two teenage girls…

“My boys thought it was the greatest thing, because they got to see fire trucks, and firemen all dressed up.”

Fuller notes the reality of the loss hit the girls much harder…

“My teenagers had a hard time. They lost basically everything that they ever owned in their life.”

The five kids and three adults spent the next ten days in a motel.

But then, a Christmas miracle began…donations from churches, friends, and total strangers started to come in.

“The community was amazing.” Says Fuller. “They stepped up, and donated toys, and clothes, and furniture – and my kids had the best Christmas that they’ll probably ever have in their life.”

The family and their dog moved into a house the Friday before Christmas.

The kids now have new shoes, and a place of their own to sleep.

And Becky Fuller has a new sense of gratitude…

“We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for this community.”

Fuller also has high praise for the Klamath Chapter of the American Red Cross, who were on hand to help out the family the night of the fire.

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