Defense attorney speaks about Susan Monica trial

Medford, Ore.–Susan Monica looked ready for court during her double murder trial and herinterruptionsin court show that she was.

All throughout her six day trial Monica appeared dramatically different than the mug shot many remember.

One of her attorney’s, Garren Pedemonte said, “It’s a priority for court that they not appear in jail clothes so as to avoid any prejudice.”

Pedemonte said he knew representing Monica would be complex, especially since Judge Timothy Barnack allowed her to cross examine the lead Detective, Eric Henderson.

“In her eyes I think she learned she was not going to be as effective as her attorney’s would be.”

Pedemonte said he was not surprised when jurors took merely an hour to find Monica guilty Tuesday of murdering Robert Haney and Stepehen Delicino and feeding them to her pigs.

“She made multiple inconsistent statements before we were involved in the case. And so she had told three to four to five different stories and so it’s very difficult to convince a jury when their story has changed.”

Despite the inconsistencies, Pedemonte said Monica, like everyone else, still deserved a fair trial.Even one with twists and turns unexpected.

He said in the end it was about representing a murder suspect.

“I knew what i was getting myself into. I wanted to try a murder trial. I never have before and the rest of it is not any different than any other case.”

Pedemonte said wigs, earrings, dresses, and make-up for Monica were all paid for by the state, by a separate organization in Salem, and not the District Attorney’s Office.

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