Dozens weigh in on Medford’s Urban Growth Boundary recommendation

Medford, Ore.– The complicated issue of expanding Medford’s Urban Growth Boundary made for a packed house at the Medford City Council Chambers Thursday night.

Developers and property owners got the chance to weigh in on the Medford Planning Commission’s UGB recommendations.

A lot of people at the first public hearing spoke in favor of more than 1,600 acres being added into Medford’s city limits for higher density development.

Some land could be used for housing and businesses. The city said the expansion is necessary to accommodate growth over the next 20 years. The plan is also stirring up some concern because other property owners want to be included.

“We’re limited by the amount of land that we can bring in and we actually have more people who want to be included in the urban growth boundary than land we have available or land we can justify including,” said Planning Director, Jim Huber.

Another part of the UGB could be two new parks in East Medford. There were also talks about building another elementary school. But nothing will be finalized until the recommendation goes through more public hearings. And is approved by Medford City Councilors And Jackson County Commissioners.

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