Hard Liquor Making It’s Way to a Grocery Store Near You?

Oregon voters could soon have a say on where liquor is sold.

Right now you can only buy the hard stuff at specialty stores, but a group led by Oregon grocers is trying to change that.

The group Oregonians for competition filed initial paperwork earlier this week that could lead to a ballot measure asking voters whether to privatize liquor sales.

The group says they have filed five proposed initiatives and will pick one to move forward with.

The initiatives are different but all would allow liquor sales in stores that already sell beer and wine.

We got mixed reviews from customers and liquor store employees.

Chuck Horton an employee of a local liquor store says “if you have a law or act or some kind of legislation, you want to look at who it benefits and who it hurts and if isn’t affecting everybody equally it isn’t a good law. I don’t think this is going to be a good law if you look at it in that respect.”

Grocery shopper Ron Knight says “Oregon ought to do it, just like California does, and Washington now, didn’t used to, but Washington has them in grocery stores so why should Oregon be behind.”

Existing liquor stores would be allowed to stay open and some smaller shops like wine speciality stores would be able to sell liquor.

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