Library district negotiating building ownership with Jackson County

Jackson County, Ore.–Members of the Jackson County Library District said they’re worried about the future of the libraries.They’re concerned the county won’t keep them opened.

On monday the library district will meet with Jackson County to negotiate a new contract. But negotiations are at a hold because the library district wants control of the 15 buildings that house all those books. Board member, Maureen Swift said it’s just about securing the future of our local library system.

“We’re stuck so we’re hopeful that we’re going to find a way to move things forward.”

Last May voters gave the thumbs up to create a library district and increase funding to the libraries. Swift said to keep the libraries open in the future control of the buildings will need to be in the district’s hands… Not the counties, which currently owns the buildings.

“If the county chooses not to turn those buildings over to us we would then be forced to take additional tax payer money to secure new locations for our libraries. I don’t think that is what voters intended when they voted for a new library district.”

Swift believes once the nearly 40 million dollars in bonds are paid off on the buildings. The county will not continue allowing the library to operate in them.

“We’re looking for some certainty that those buildings will be turned over to the district when those bonds are paid off.”

Swift said they have to come up with an agreement by June 30th because that’s when their contract with the county runs out. She said if the county chooses not to renew their contract, then it’s possible that the libraries could close down as soon as July 1st.”

Swift also believes the bonds will be paid off in five years.

“We don’t want to be sitting across the table from them in an uncertain position in 2019 or 2020 trying to again negotiate this position.”

Commissioner Doug Breidenthal said over the phone he could not comment any further than to say it’s a delicate subject.

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