Meyer In Court; How Common Are Modified Weapons?

Jon Andrew Meyer Junior has had the entire valley talking.

While it’s still unclear why or how he got his hands on a weapon… the fact that it was modified made us wonder how easy is it for people to do.

Jon Andrew Meyer Jr appeared via video conference Monday from the Josephine County Jail for his pretrial hearing.

Meyer is accused of shooting an illegal automatic weapon through the ceiling of an apartment building on the night of June 27.

The bullets killed 5 year old Alysa Bobbit and seriously injured 44 year old Karen Hancock.

We asked officials with the Grants Pass Oolice how common do they come in contact with a modified weapon.

They said it’s very rare and this is the only case this year.

We tried speaking with a number of gun experts today on how easy it is to modify a gun, no one would talk.So we turned to Google,and in turn.,come across thousands of responses. And some of the top hits are Youtube videos.

While police say its rare for them to come across these modified weapons, it certainly happens and the penalties are steep. They are even considered a federal offense.

Meanwhile, Meyer will appear again in court on July 29, his bail remains at $250,000.

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