New tattoo removal program helping people in Rogue Valley

Medford, Ore. — A new program, in its second month operating in Medford, is helping teens and adults get a new start.

It’s all about free and low cost laser tattoo removal. Visible tattoos, especially if they’re gang related can often be a barrier to employment.

At the age of 15 Sebastian Pineda said he was involved in the gang lifestyle. However after being shot nine times, Pineda said his life changed.

Today the 36 year old is in a wheelchair and his scars remain in the form of ink, or tattoos, on his face and body. Now, the Ink-Out program at Valley Immediate Care is helping him and many others dissolve their past by removing those tattoos through laser treatment.

“It’s giving you another chance to live life again without being judged by the tattoos you have or the regrets you have toward your tattoos,” said Pineda who is looking forward to going back to school and getting a job.

Pineda said his goal is to encourage young people who are involved in gangs, to leave that life behind for a better future.

The “Ink-Out” program is also intended to help domestic violence victims who have the name of their abuser tattooed on them. Jay Tapp, the Community Outreach Coordinator for the program said usually this type of tattoo removal costs between $300 to $440 per session and it can take up to 7-12 sessions to remove a tattoo.

According to Tapp, Valley Immediate Care is footing much of the bill for people in the program.

Pineda said the treatment can be somewhat painful. He said it feels like hot oil from a cooking pan splashing on your skin. However to him, it’s worth it.

Tapp said they hold their sessions once a month at Valley Immediate Care.

There is an interview process required to take advantage of the services.

For more information on how to get involved in the program, contact Jay Tapp with the Ink-Out program at 541-201-8999.

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