On The Lamb

A pair of Barbados Sheep also known as Blackbellys and who share the looks of your typical goat breed have been somewhat of a mystery to drivers who reported seeing goats hanging out along Interstate Five. No one knows where they came from and for the past year, the animals have eluded rescue.

On Monday, this so-called urban myth turned into an urban legend. The mother-son duo were corralled by a resident living in the apartment complex at the 100 block of Trip Street. At the very least, the man’s efforts kept the animals safe from further harassment and harm until backup arrived. Police along side animal rescue from Sanctuary One captured the pair and today their life on the run has ended. According to Highway officials and animal rescue, it was perfect timing. Although, living for nearly a year alongside the busiest traveled road in Southern Oregon, the goats could have easily been hit by a moving vehicle or worse, caused an accident.

Today they live, and those who helped in the rescue, live to tell the tale.

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