Rural Metro Fire Dept. provides tips for homeowners on defending their space against wildfire

JOSEPHINE CO., Ore. — Rural Metro Fire Department wants you to be prepared to defend your property this fire season.

It suggests cleaning gutters, sub-flooring, and attic vents of pine needles and other outdoor debris.

Fire Chief, Austin Prince, says patio cushions should be put away to prevent embers from landing on them and catching fire.

He says people should also keep hoses with nozzles attached on all water spigots around the home so firefighters – or others – can use them in an emergency.

“We have fires that have been attacked and suppressed because somebody with a garden hose kept it in check until we got on the scene. The things you have around your home that you can put into play can do a miraculous job at keeping your house from burning down,” he said.

Prince recommends people with electronic gates leave their code on file with dispatch so fire crews can easily access your residence.

If you’re interested in learning more tips, visit the Rural Metro Facebook page.

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