Senator Wyden’s New Timber Harvest Plan Under Scrutiny

Senator Ron Wyden’s new plan to increase timber harvests and jobs while also protecting the environment is under the microscope.

A conservationist we spoke with says she’s against the plan. However, on the other side, someone from the timber industry said they’re on the fence and depending on details he might not be for the legislation either.

Suzanne Roussel is one of many Oregonians who love to be outside.

“The fresh air, the wildlife […] I love it. It’s incredible,” said Roussel.

Her business and others in the Rogue Valley are dependent on outdoor activities.

“We’re outfitter guides,” she explained.

Plans to Harvest More Timber

However, she (an outdoorswoman) and conservationists have concerns over what Senator Ron Wyden’s new legislation will mean for Oregon’s great outdoors.

“I don’t want to see anything end for me,” said Roussel.

Senator Wyden’s plan proposes to double timber harvests on federal land and create jobs. He plans to do it while claiming that waterways and critical habitat areas will be protected.

Some Conservationists Skeptical of Plan

“There’s a lot of great conservation benefit to the bill as well, but at the end of the day the threats far outweigh the benefits,” said Rikki Seguin, a Conservation Advocate with Environment Oregon.

The impacts of increased logging are the basis for her concerns.

“Threats to our water, threats to wildlife, threats to public participation and finally threats to the outdoor recreation industry,” listed Seguin.

She said the bill would reduce no-cut barriers near fish bearing rivers and streams.

Concerns That Outdoor Businesses May Suffer

In addition could put outdoor businesses in a tough spot.

“Consider the outdoor recreation industry, which statewide provides 141,000 jobs,” began Seguin.

“We’re putting that entire industry at risk,” she continued.

Timber Industry Official on the Fence

Meantime, those in the timber industry remain undecided about the bill for the opposite reason some conservationists are against it.

“One of the concerns is they’re talking about taking additional 90,000 plus acres out of this district’s management and put it into a wilderness area. Will that affect how much timber we’re able to extract,” wondered David Schott, Executive Vice President for Southern Oregon Timber Industries.

He said he’s looking for more clarification from Senator Wyden or his staff since at this point he has more questions than answers.

“I can’t tell you what it’s going to mean for Southern Oregon. We have concerns that this part of the state does not factor into the equation as well as other parts of the state from the standpoint of timber production,” said Schott.

A Predicament for Timber Harvesters in Southern Oregon

He says Southern Oregon is unique from the rest of the state in that the region has a large number of restrictions and critical habitat areas important for the spotted owl and other endangered species. According to him, this means Southern Oregon seems to produce less timber than other regions of the state.

“Our concern is that we don’t have a reliable, dependable supply [of timber] under any of the plans that I can see so far,” he said.

“Can we live with less timber coming out I don’t think the mills in Southern Oregon can exist,” continued Schott.

He said the board of the Southern Oregon Timber Industries Association plans to meet on Thursday to determine their official position on the Senator’s bill.

However, back in Lithia Park, Suzanne Roussel says the greenery and outdoors define Oregon and set it apart. She and others feel it needs to be protected.

“Where else can people go and just leave right from their home and go hiking and just drive 15-minutes and go for an incredible mountain bike ride There’s just very few places in this world where you can do that and Oregon is really lucky,” said Roussel.

Senator Wyden said his legislation has received support from both conservationists as well as those working in the timber industry.

For More Information:

To see Senator Wyden’s press release on his timber harvest legislation click here.

To see Environment Oregon’s arguments against Senator Wyden’s legislation click here.

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