Vacant Home Fires Stump Investigators

Trying to pick up the pieces.

That’s exactly what fire officials are trying are do in one west Medford neighborhood.

“The fire began in the garage and investigators determined it was intentionally set,” according to Greg Kleinberg, Medford Fire Marshall.

Afire Wednesday night on the 1900 block of Prune Street was the ninth that occurred in a vacant home since April of 2012.

But trying to find evidence to link the fires together is a nearly impossible task.

“Often time there’s no real evidence left at the scene because that has been burned,” said Medford Police Lieutenant Mike Budreau.

And without many clues….it leaves a large number of arson cases unsolved.

“We have a lot of unsolved arosons in Medford, a lot of them, last year we 49, a very small percentage has been solved.”

Now officials are turning to the public, hoping residents can keep a close eye on near by vacant homes.

Fire officials also say it’s up to the property owner to keep a structure safe, and if you see a vacant home with signs it’s been broken into, officials will check it out and make sure the property is up to code.

If you have any information regarding any of the fires or see any suspicious activity near the location of a vacant home you are asked to call authorities at (541) 774-2300.

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