Oregon to begin ambitious COVID-19 testing program

SALEM, Ore. (KGW) – Public health researchers in Oregon are preparing to launch something we’ve never seen on this scale. They want to gather volunteers in every corner of the state, from every community, especially minority populations, and convince them to take their temperature every single day for a full year and report that to the researchers. 10,000 of those people will have coronavirus test kits at home.

Dr. David Bangsberg is with the OHSU and the PSU School of Public Health and one of the forces behind the plan. He said, “If you’re a household of four we’ll have a thermometer which has a removable tip that you can share amongst your family, each individual. We’re looking for symptoms in each individual in that household.”

The rough draft of the idea is to have 100,000 volunteers scattered across the state, probably more in the bigger metro areas, but you want to have a wide swath of the state covered.

The volunteers will take their own temperature every day and it will be quickly reported back to OHSU, probably with thermometers connected to the internet, so they will be able to see virtually in real-time statewide how everyone is doing.

If one or more people suddenly develop a fever they’ll know and be able to swoop in with a team of specialists to get the person tested and, if it is COVID-19, find all the people they were in contact with and get them tested too. That way, any new outbreak can be contained quickly before it takes off and becomes widespread.

It may well be the first of its kind in the nation.

Dr. Bangsberg explained, “This is the most important event we’ve had in the century. You know this is an opportunity for people to make a difference not only for themselves and their household but for all of Oregon.”

Experts say that testing and tracing are relatively easy right now but as people begin to resume their usual activities, it will become increasingly difficult.
Many could face challenges in remembering everyone they have had close contact with.

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