Protests enter third week

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – We’re heading into week three of nationwide protests as Houston, Texas prepares to say goodbye to George Floyd.

Monday’s public viewing, surrounded by more protests around the country, is sparked by Floyd’s death at the hands of police.

Nearly two dozen senators have signed onto a bill being introduced Monday that would ban certain policies by police.

In a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, 80% of Americans said the country is out of control. Demonstrations are growing along with concern about President Trump calling active duty troops to control them.

Attorney General William Barr told CBS troops were called, but not used. “The president never asked or suggested that we needed to deploy regular troops,” Barr said. “I’m happy that we were able to avoid it on this occasion.”

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said the problem is who’s joining. He stated, “Violent protestors infiltrating and hijacking those protests that are becoming very violent.”

But the presence of troops to clear a peaceful protest near the White House has more former military leaders speaking out. Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Mike Mullen said, “Our military should never be called to fight our own people as enemies of the state.”

Republican Colin Powell announced he’ll vote for Joe Biden instead of President Trump. “He lies,” Powell said. “He lies about things and he gets away with it because people will not hold him accountable.”

Two congressional staffers were hurt in protests in D.C. and New York. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) said, “So, you can just imagine what this means for ordinary citizens who are out there.”

In the House Oversight Committee, Democrats are asking Attorney General Barr for a list of all the law enforcement agencies activated in D.C. by Wednesday.

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