Medford, Ore. — A third Rogue Valley resident is throwing her hat into the ring for state senator. 50-year-old author and activist Stacy Bannerman will seek the nomination to run for Alan Bates’ seat. Bannerman joins former Talent Police Chief ...

Scranton, Penn. (NBC News) — After rallying with Joe Biden in Scranton yesterday, Hillary Clinton is back in battleground Pennsylvania Tuesday to sign up new voters. She has an 11 point lead there, but Donald Trump is gaining among white, ...

Medford, Ore. — One week after the tragic death of State Senator Dr. Alan Bates, a former Rogue Valley police chief says he’s looking to fill the open position in the legislature. Former Talent Police Chief Mike Moran has filed ...

Medford, Ore. — The race for open Medford City councilor seats and mayor is becoming a little more crowded. Four council seats and the mayor’s office will be on the ballot in November. Accountant Curt Ankerberg has filed for Dick ...

Medford, Ore. — NBC5 News is pleased to announce we will be hosting a live debate this fall between Oregon Governor Kate Brown and her Republican challenger Dr. Bud Pierce. It will be the only debate held in Southern Oregon, ...

Portland, Ore. – Oregon Governor Kate Brown has announced her position on several ballot measures that will appear in the 2016 general election. “As Governor, it is important for Oregonians to know where I stand on issues they will be ...

Ore. — A new survey from Clout Research shows current Governor Kate Brown holding a slight lead over Republican challenger Bud Pierce, 43.4 percent to 42 percent. 7 percent are still undecided. The margin of error is about 3.7 percent. ...

Ashland, Ore. — Ashland voters may get to vote on a measure that would ask the Oregon Legislature to act on health care coverage. Councilor Carol Voisin is requesting a resolution to be placed on the November 2016 ballot to ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump is escalating his feud with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following her criticism of his bid for the presidency. Trump tweeted “Her mind is shot, resign.” Ginsburg called Trump a “faker” and said she ...

Salem, Ore. — A new poll released by Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Bud Pierce’s campaign shows Dr. Pierce and Governor Kate Brown are neck and neck. The numbers were released by his campaign staff this Thursday morning. The graph shows the ...

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