JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – We’re just one week away from the May special election. In Jackson County, there are two significant measures on the ballot. In Talent, voters will decide the fate of the city’s ‘Urban Renewal Plan’. It aims ...

TALENT, Ore. – Jackson County’s Fire District 5 went door to door Saturday morning to ask Talent residents to vote no on Measure 15-216. Measure 15-216 would implement the City of Talent’s new Urban Renewal Plan known officially as The ...

TALENT, Ore. – It’s official, Talent’s Urban Renewal Plan will be on the special election ballot in May. Along with officially putting the plan on the ballot, the city also made some changes to the plan after some opposition from ...

TALENT, Ore. – The city of Talent will be hosting three upcoming town halls about its proposed Urban Renewal Plan. In August, the city council decided to postpone a vote on the project itself and to let voters decide its ...

TALENT, Ore. – The Talent City Council met for a regular meeting Wednesday, the big item of conversation was the proposed urban renewal district. The council decided to postpone a vote on the project and will let voters decide the ...

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