Ashland officials show how to grow marijuana responsibly

Ashland, Ore. — It’s not something you see every day. Ashland police and other city officials teaching others a safe and responsible way to grow marijuana.

The emphasis is on safety.

The fire department, showing a video on what makes the butane extraction of oil so dangerous. Code enforcement brought examples of indoor grows that had been improperly set up and explained the correct way — obtaining permits and having a professional do the work.

“Finding a method to give a message about processes that are illegal is challenging, so now that marijuana is legal, we definitely wanted to get these safety messages out,” explained Fire Marshall Margueritte Hickman.

“If you modify your home, please call us. We’re here to help you, we want to make sure you’re safe,” Building Official Jeremy Payne asked of the community.

Officials stress that if you want to legally grow and process marijuana, they will work with you to make sure it is done safely and responsibly.

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