Citations issued in S. California for stay-at-home order violations

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (KNSD) – The warnings are over and authorities in Southern California are now ticketing people violating the stay-at-home order.

San Diego County Sheriff’s deputies have written more than 39 tickets for people violating the public health order aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus. The penalty is up to 6 months in jail and/or a $1000 fine.

Beaches and parks are closed, but deputies said it’s okay for people to take walks near their home while maintaining social distancing. They also said they are trying to prevent people from congregating in a specific area.

SDCSD Lieutenant John Boyce said, “What we’re trying to prevent is people congregating in a specific area, or people traveling without essential needs and spreading this virus.”

One person said, “I thought it was very interesting that they decided to ticket people watching the sunset, sitting in their car.”

Local resident Sarah Mathews said, “It’s extreme to give tickets, but I also get it because it has been the rule now.”

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