Gov. Brown asking for $7 to 10M a month for coronavirus response

SALEM, Ore. — Governor Kate Brown has asked for an extra 7 to 10 million dollars a month to help with the state’s coronavirus response.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence, Governor Brown asked for 400,000 N-95 respirator masks, gowns and gloves, disposable protective suits, and up to 100 ventilators.

She raised concerns over rural hospitals and health centers being overwhelmed by a surge of patients and their ability to maintain appropriate staffing levels if the disease were to spread.

Currently, there are three cases of the virus in Oregon.

Two of the people are hospitalized.

There are 115 people being monitored for the disease.

The Governor and Oregon Health Authority hosted a live Q & A on the Coronavirus and Oregon’s response on Wednesday. You can watch the recorded live stream here. 

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