HB 2020 is “dead,” Republicans announce end of walkout

SALEM, Ore. – Oregon Senate Republicans plan on returning to Salem by this weekend, ending a multi-day walkout over a proposed cap-and-trade bill.

House Bill 2020 passed through the Oregon House with Democrat backing. But when it hit the Senate, Republicans walked out of a vote for a variety of reasons, saying the cap-and-trade bill was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

What was seen by a number of Democrats as a bill to help mitigate climate change was perceived by some Republicans as a government overreach that would hurt rural Oregon businesses and industries, including the timber trade.

“Walking out is part of the conversation because the governor is not willing to move on her position on the bill,” said Grants Pass Republican Herman Baertshiger, Jr. “She is only representing Portland and the environmental community, not rural Oregonians.”

Governor Kate Brown said she’d use Oregon State Police to track down the missing Senators.

Eventually, Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem) said HB 2020 would not proceed through the Senate due to lack of votes. A few days later, the Oregon GOP announced the end of the walkout after reportedly getting assurances from Democrats that HB 2020 will not pass.

“Our mission after walking out of this building was to kill cap and trade,” said Senate Republican leader Herman Baertshiger, Jr. “And that’s what we did.”

Baertshiger said his Senate colleagues will try to catch up on budget bills to make up for time lost during the walkout.

Republicans plan on returning to Salem so they can be on the Senate floor by Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

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