House Democrats introduce articles of impeachment against Pres. Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of Democrats introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump Wednesday. Accusations against the president include obstruction of justice related to the FBI investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Organizers admit impeaching President Trump is a long-shot effort, with little chance in the Republican-led House. A majority of Democrats have distanced themselves from any mention of impeachment.

In addition to allegations of impeding the FBI’s investigation, the five articles say the president profited from foreign states and the U.S. without the approval of Congress. They also allege he has undermined the federal judiciary and the freedom of the press.

Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn) said the action was taken because of “great concerns for the country and our Constitution and our national security and our democracy.”

Cohen and other leaders associated with the impeachment effort said they’ll hold regular briefings to discuss where they believe the president broke the law.

Republican National Committee spokesperson Michael Ahrens said of the effort, “House Democrats lack a positive message and are completely unwilling to work across the aisle, so instead they’ve decided to support a baseless radical effort that the vast majority of Americans disagree with.”

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