Kindergarten launch

Medford, Ore. — It’s never too early to get your children enrolled in school, that’s why Medford School District is hosting its kindergarten launch event at all 14 elementary schools on March 1.

Lone Pine Elementary is gearing up for their event on Wednesday.

Teachers will have the opportunity to interact with parents and kids to get them situated for the upcoming school year.

Lone Pine Elementary Principal Kristi Anderson said, “We say here at lone pine we’re just one big family and we want to bring more members into the family so when the families come in we want to make sure that they know each other as well as our staff and teachers.”

Principal Anderson said the event has not only helped the kids get acclimated before school starts, but has also encouraged parents to get involved.

To find more information about which school your child should attend, you can go to the Medford School District’s website and click on the “Parents” tab.

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