Don’t get caught out in the cold

Phoenix, Ore — 2015 is bringing sub-freezing temperatures to the region. That cold translating to one of the busiest times of the year for heating specialists.

They see it every year when it starts to get cold, neglected heating systems start to go out at the worst possible time.

With a few simple steps during these cold months you can keep your home warm and save money all at the same time.

It’s the busiest time of year for heating specialist Randy Ekwall.

“Weather starts dropping, the more calls we get, it’ll probably be pretty busy this year,” said Ekwall.

With freezing temperatures outside, home heating systems are on overdrive, some past the breaking point.

“Of course it’s the coldest day of the year and that’s when it happens,” said Andy Anderson.

Anderson was one of the unlucky, his gas furnace burned out in the middle of the night.

“House was 60 degrees inside, furnace decided it didn’t want to play the game anymore,” said Anderson.

Ekwall says you can avoid Anderson’s fate with a few simple steps.

“Change the filters, filters are really important, routine maintenance, have a guy come out and check the system,” said Ekwall, “it’s best to let it run, not to turn it off, that can be a big increase in your monthly power bill.”

Little things that can make a big difference and save you a few bucks in the process.

Another tip, you can have an expert check your house for draft spots where heat escapes and cold air seeps in. A simple gap under a doorway could be costing you big on your heating bill.

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