Exclusive: Alleged Kidnapping Victim Speaks Out

13-year-old Sam said she didn’t want to reveal her last name and didn’t want her face on-camera.

“You never think something like this will happen to you,” she began.

Sam said she and her best friend Kyla, who she calls “Ky,”were kidnapped early Saturday morning.

She said, she recalls being scared.

“I remember sitting there with Ky with our arms linked just crying and trying to be strong,” said Sam.

She said she and her best friend went to get some fresh air, taking a walk down Lofland Lane around 2:45 Saturday morning.

When they reached Williams Highway, Sam said all of a sudden,

“A small red toyota pick-up truck pulled up with its lights off,” she said.

According to Sam, it all happened very quickly. She said in just a matter of seconds a red pick-up truck driving down Williams Highway, pulled up next to them and grabbed her friend.

“We’re like best friends,” began Sam. “I wasn’t going to let her get taken. I grabbed on to the front of her sweatshirt and I got pulled in too.”

She said her alleged abductor was heavy-set, tall, tan, and had a small amount of facial hair. She said he also had dark brown neck length hair.

Sam said she vividly remembers little details from when she says she was inside the truck.

“It smelled as though he has been living in there, dirt, and body odor and rotten food. There was trash everywhere on the floor […] He was really silent, he didn’t say anything,” said Sam.

She said she quickly realized she had her cell phone and told her friend her plan to call 911. That’s when she said the man slowed down and the two girls jumped out almost four miles away from Sam’s home.

Tonight Sam is counting her blessings and cautioning her fellow teens.

“Let people know where you’re going even if you’re with a friend it could still happen to you,” said Sam.

The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office said the suspect is described as a white male, with a tan complexion, heavier set, with dark brown neck length hair.

Authorities said they believe he’s driving an older model red Toyota pick-up truck.

The Sheriff’s Office said they wants anyone with information to call them at 541-474-5153.

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