Fire District 5 Brushes Up on Fire Training

If you were driving on I-5 this morning between Ashland and Medford, you may have seen a large smoke cloud hovering over Phoenix.

It was all because of a home that was on fire, but set by firefighters.

Fire District 5 purposely burnt down an old house on Colver Road in Phoenix to practice how to put out fires during the upcoming winter season.

About a dozen firefighters and a number of engines with Fire District 5 worked together to put out the intentional burning.

Fire Chief Darin Welburn says it’s that time of the year again when people are using fireplaces, candles, and extension cords a lot more in their homes.

“In a real-world situation, fire developments are occurring very quickly. You know, they say a fire doubles every minute, but with today’s construction materials, the amount of plastics and new types of materials you find in houses, they’re going super-quick.”

Chief Welburn says this type of fire training helps prepare firefighters for the fast burning blazes.

The Chief also says this type of fire practice happens at least once a year depending on the availability of structures that meet the trainingrequirements.

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