Girls Rock! workshops introduce girls to engineering, physics

GIRLS ROCK PICGRANTS PASS, Ore. — Girls from all over Southern Oregon met in Grants Pass for Girls Rock!, a number of workshops on Saturday, aimed at introducing them to the fields of engineering and technology.

The free event was open to girls ages 9 to 13; their parents were encouraged to participate as well. The girls had the chance to visit 10 workshops centered on science and math-related fields. They could also learn self defense, and take art, music, and dance classes.

“This is the age where they start to pull away from those kinds of subjects, because they say they’re not really what they’re interested in, or they’re not good at it, and so we want to show them they can be good at it,” Nancy Lester said, the workshop designer.

This is the 8th year of the Girls Rock! event,  put on by the American Association of University of Women. Next year’s event is planned for February 25, 2017. For more information, click here.

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