NFL players face $10,000 fines for wearing Beats headphones

(NBC News) If you’re an NFL player, you probably have a little bit of extra money to throw around. But that doesn’t mean you want to pay a $10,000 fine. But players might have no choice, if they keep wearing their Beats by Dre headphones.

It’s not stopping them yet though.

On Thursday, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who is a paid endeorser of Beats, wore his Beats by Dre headphones during a postgame press conference, and the league punished him with a $10,000 fine.

The NFL has a partnership with Bose, so other brands of headphones and other products are banned in many places. says players are allowed to “wear headphones with competing logos off the bus, into the stadium and on the field for warmups before they get into uniform.”

But when the ban was originally announced earlier this month, the NFL said players couldn’t wear other brands of headphones anywhere they might be seen on-camera.

Though Kaepernick is the only one officially hit with a fine so far, plenty of players continue to wear their Beats.

Panthers quarterback Cam Newton wore his on the field on Sunday before his tie game against the Bengals.

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