Program allows owners away from home to play with pets

PORTLAND, ORE. — (KGW)Have you ever wondered what your pet is doing when you’re away at work

A Boise-based company has come up with a way to not only check on your pet from anywhere in the world, but also physically play with it.

At least virtually.

It’s technology the Oregon Humane Society started using five years ago.

Right now you can log onto the organization’s webpage and “play” with cute and cuddly kittens in real time.

The cats play with toys that you remotely operate.

You can even control the camera in the kitten’s playroom.

“It’s a blast when you get a cat who really wants to play with you,” said David Lytle of the Oregon Humane Society.

I-Reach, the company that created the system, says it has been so popular that it’s now being used in 27 animal shelters across the country.

“We’ve had over two million users from 170 countries and those users have said, ‘Hey if you ever make this for the home we would love to have one,'” I-Reach founder Scott Harris said.

The company has now started a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to fund an in-home version. They have until June 15 to raise the money to start developing it.

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