Specialized leg brace saves goat’s life

Jacksonville, Ore. — A Medford company that makes prosthetics fulfilled an unusual request, saving a goat’s life.

Katrina Hinnewinkel owns six goats. One of them is Pete. She said Pete is the leader of the pack and protects the others.

So when Pete’s life was threatened by his leg that’s crippled with arthritis Hinnewinkel was heartbroken.

“I knew it was time when I would probably have to put him down,” Hinnewinkel said.

But she couldn’t stand the thought of it. After hours of research she came up with an idea, and contacted Medford company Spectrum Orthotics and Prosthetics to see if there was anything they could do.

“Katrina stopped by the office and showed a video of the goat to my receptionist and I was locked in it,” Forest Sexton, prosthetist and orthotist at Spectrum, said.

Sexton has been in the business for more than 30 years. He said while the request was unusual he was happy to help by making a brace for the goat.

“The brace is made out of carbon composites. I had to go out and make a mold of the goat’s extremity them make a mold and build the brace,” Sexton said.

The mold and brace are just like the ones made for humans. But specialized for Pete the goat.

After hours of wearing the brace Pete’s walking around with no problems.

“I think we have a happy goat,” Hinnewinkel said.

Sexton said although he was happy to help out he’s not advertising the animal braces anytime soon. He said there are enough people in the Rogue Valley with the need for prosthetics and braces to keep his business going.

As for Pete, Hinnewinkel said the brace is giving him a second shot at life.

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