Storm destroys business in Port Orford

Port Orford, Ore. — A storm in Port Orford left nearly a dozen people jobless Saturday.

The coastal town was one of the hardest hit by the storm. Strong winds and high tide sent waves crashing over docks and destroyed Griff’s On The Dock.

“I couldn’t believe how much force the rain and the wind had,” owner Jerry McGriff said. “I didn’t even know half the roof was gone until someone who works at the port told me they saw it fly off into the ocean.”

McGriff said the restaurant is a total loss leaving nine employees without jobs and he and his wife without their business.

A Port Orford resident watched the destruction from her car. She said while storms and living in a coastal town go hand in hand, she’s never seen a storm quite like this one.

“I’ve never seen it that bad where the waves are coming over the jetties and crashing boat holders. They were crashing hard.”

And as things clear up the clean up begins. McGriff said he hopes to rebuild Griff’s on the port even though he’ll have to start from scratch.

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