Thanksgivukkah: A Rare Occassion

Lighting the menorah is an annual Jewish tradition for our NBC 5 Natalie Hurd and her family.

“The story of Hanukkah is the story of liberation it’s the story of a minority religion fighting and succeeding in religious freedom,” says Rabbi David Zaslow.

But this year the celebration is a bit different it is Thanksgivukkah that is a combination of Thanksgiving and Hannukkah.

Rabbi David Zaslow says the combination of the Jewish holiday and thanksgiving landing on the same exact day is extremely rare

“They say it wont happen again for 75,000 years.”

And for that reason Natalie’s mom Leslie Levy says she decided to bring some new flavors to this Thanksgivakkuh.

“What I picked is brining my turkey in manishavits wine which I did and they said don’t be surprised if it turns the turkey purple which it did but the turkey came out delicious.”

With Thanksgiving in full swing and still keeping all the traditions of Hanukkah alive like lighting a candle on the menorah for the eight nights of the holiday and then opening gifts after. Levy says there’s still more work ahead for the next six days.

“The idea now of grading all those potatoes to make the latkes it just seems like a lot of work but we’re going to have fun.”

A special day for this family but also a special moment in history, one we wont see again in this lifetime. With that in mind Rabbi David sends this message.

“On behalf of the whole Jewish community of Southern Oregon I wish all our friends people of every faith a wonderful Hanukkah a wonderful festival of lights and a wonderful thanksgiving.”

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