N. Carolina Republican office firebombed

1017-nc-republican-officeHillsborough, N.C. (NBC News) — Authorities said a bottle filled with a flammable substance was thrown through a window at the Orange County, North Carolina GOP headquarters and burned the interior and some furniture.

Vandals also spray painted graffiti including a swastika and the words “Nazi Republicans leave town or else” on the side of a business adjacent to the headquarters.

North Carolina GOP leaders have requested extra security after the incident.

“It is meant to scare and intimidate people from volunteering, from working at this office and from working at other offices across the state. But we are going to the necessary precautions to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe and keep them working,” said Executive Director Dallas Woodhouse.

No one was hurt, and no arrests have been made. The facility will be open Monday.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were both critical of the attack.

Read more: http://nbcnews.to/2dtIDWd

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