Officials confirm identity of Klamathon fire victim

SISKIYOU COUNTY, Calif. – Officials have confirmed the name of the man likely killed in the Klamathon Fire.

The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office said John Karl Bermel, 72, was in the process of evacuating when he went back to his home for an unknown reason.

Officials are still investigating the incident, but they can confirm he did have fire-related injuries that would have led to his death.

“When we give an evacuation order you have to take it seriously, and when you’re warned get ready to go because you cannot linger. In this case, it may have cost Mr. Bermel his life,” Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey said.

Officials said they’re thankful the fire didn’t take more lives. They also stress that in the future, evacuation notices need to be followed immediately for everyone’s safety.

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