Police seek wedding ring thief

Surveillance images show suspected wedding ring thief. (MPD)

MEDFORD, Ore. – Police are warning the public about a thief targeting women selling wedding rings in the Rogue Valley.

Medford police say the suspect targeted two separate victims in the area on October 16. He contacted the two women via Craigslist and agreed them to meet at a local jewelry stores.

Once inside the store, the suspect would confirm the quality of the diamond and walk out with the victims while still holding the ring. Once outside, he fled on foot.

One of the victims lost a ring valued at $5,700 at the north Fred Meyer. The second victim was targeted hours later in Ashland.

MPD wrote, “When we see scams like this just hours apart, we consider the fact that the suspect was passing through town. If nothing else, we hope this serves as an educational piece so you do not become a victim.’

If you have any further information about these cases or recognize the suspect, call police.

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