400 pound Klamath Falls man plans bicycle ride to Medford

Klamath Falls, Ore. – A Klamath Falls man is on a journey to become half the man he is now. Eric Hoffman has a lot to lose.

Hoffman weighs over 400 pounds, but he’s already lost a lot of weight. “My top weight was 540 pounds,” he said.

Riding a bike has helped to shed those pounds, and Hoffman plans to keep peddling. Hoffman said, “May 6th, I plan on riding my bicycle to Medford from Klamath Falls.”

Hoffman hopes to make the 80 mile trip over a 2 day period. He’s been preparing for the trip under medical supervision. “It’s not just like I’m jumping on a bike and going there and back – I had to do the steps to make this ride, and that was like 4 months of training,” said Hoffman.

Hoffman’s getting help from friends and sponsors to achieve his goal. “Initially, it was for myself,” said the 38-year-old Hoffman. “But I wanted to also inspire other big people to lose weight.”

Hoffman knows he’s at the start of a long journey, and has big plans for the future. He said, “I want to one day, ride a bicycle across the United States.”

Hoffman said that if all goes well, he’ll spend a couple of nights in Medford, then ride his bicycle back to Klamath Falls.

If you’d like to encourage Eric, you can send him an email:  [email protected]

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