Klamath Falls stabbing victim speaks out

Klamath Falls, Ore. – A stabbing victim from Klamath Falls is speaking out.

He says the man who attacked him did so after he had an affair with his wife – but he denies getting her pregnant.

‘Bubba’ doesn’t want us to use his actual name, but he does want to tell his side of the story.

“I was stabbed three times.”  Notes Bubba.  “Twice in the shoulder, and once in the back.”

Shannen Boggs was arrested in January for stabbing Bubba.

Boggs was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday.

“I think he should have gotten more time than just what he had, because he literally tried to kill me.”  Says Bubba.

Boggs pleaded ‘no contest’ to a measure 11 crime of second-degree assault, but he won’t be doing measure 11 time.

Klamath County District Attorney Rob Patridge explains:  “Oregon provides an ‘escape hatch’ for the mandatory minimums in measure 11.  We felt that it did meet those mandatory minimums.”

NBC5 first reported that Boggs had stabbed Bubba for impregnating his wife, after getting that information from the D.A.’s office.

“I think it came up as part of the police reports that came in.”  Notes Patridge.  “And the belief of the defendant.”

We asked Bubba if he got Bogg’s wife pregnant.  “No, I did not get the wife pregnant.  At that time, she was pregnant with somebody else’s child.”

But, Bubba doesn’t deny having relations with the woman earlier.

“I did.  But we called the relationship part off after a while.”

Boggs could have faced a 70 month prison sentence under measure 11.

The District Attorney says Bubbs did not appear for the settlement conference, or sentencing.

Bubba claims he was never contacted prior to those hearings.


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