Republicans react to impeachment announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – Republican leaders have been speaking out after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Those reacting included Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell who tweeted his response, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy who made a statement to the press shortly after Pelosi’s announcement.

McConnell’s tweet stated, in part, “Speaker Pelosi’s much-publicized efforts to restrain her far-left conference have finally crumbled. House Democrats cannot help themselves. Instead of working together across party lines on legislation to help American families and strengthen our nation, they will descend even deeper into their obsession with re-litigating 2016.”

Rep. Kevin McCarthy said, “I just listened to the speaker of the House. Speaker Pelosi happens to be the Speaker of this House, but she does not speak for America when it comes to this issue. She cannot decide unilaterally what happens here. They have been investigating this President even before he got elected. They have voted three times on impeachment on this floor. Twice they voted before one word of the Mueller report even came back. Our job here is a serious job. Our job is to make tomorrow better than today. Our job is to legislate, not to investigate something in the back when you cannot find any reason to impeach this president. This election is over. I realize 2016 did not turn out the way Speaker Pelosi wanted it to happen, but she cannot change the laws of this Congress. She cannot unilaterally decide we’re in an impeachment inquiry. What she said today made no difference of what’s been going on. It’s no different than what Nadler has been trying to do. It’s time to put the public before politics.”

President Trump repeatedly called the inquiry a “witch hunt.”

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